What is 18650 battery?


It is often possible to encounter a big and unusual battery at a store, which is definitely not used in regular controllers or kids' toys.

Today we will learn about the applications of those batteries and where are they used.

Accumulator cell 18650 – is a lithium-ion battery. With its shape it resembles a regular cell battery but it has an output voltage of 3.7 V, and its capacitance range is from 1600 mA*h to 3600 mA*h. To compare, a regular AA or AAA battery has a voltage of 1.5 V/1.2 V.

Those batteries are used where big capacitance is necessary, for example, LED flashlights, laptop batteries, electric bicycles or power banks.

The size of the battery is in its name – 18650. First two numbers (18) designate the diameter of the battery – 18 mm, 650 means that the length of the battery is 65 mm. However, the actual length of the battery with protection is 66.5 mm.

The greatest advantages of these batteries are low level of self-discharge and absence of the memory effect. They are relatively easy and simple in servicing. 18650 battery has quite a large amount of cycles – between 500 and 1000.

A special device is required for charging.

These batteries have a disadvantage of malfunctioning if they are overcharged or overheated. In order to prevent this, a built-in electronic system is installed in every unit, that does not allow an overcharge or overheat to occur during the charging process. It is very dangerous to use the battery without protection as there is a risk it may overheat and explode. “Protected”, “With protective PCB”, “Protection circuit” etc. is written on batteries that have protection.

It is sometimes necessary to use unprotected batteries, for example, when several batteries need to be connected (like in a laptops' batteries) or a battery with protection does not fit into the compartment. If protection is absent, either a word “Unprotected” will be written on the unit or nothing at all.

It is not recommended to fully discharge the cell as there is a risk of it malfunctioning fast. The optimal charge for keeping in storage is approximately 40 %. It is also worth reminding that lithium batteries can age even when they are not used.

If you require an 18650 battery, you can purchase it on our website in the Cell batteries section.

By All Spares Team
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