Ubi Interactive and Microsoft Turn any Surface into a Touchscreen


Only a few years ago phone touch screens seemed to us as a miracle technology, but technical progress never stops and keeps on surprising us. And now two companies - Ubi Interactive together with Microsoft amazed us with the system that has the ability to create virtual touch screen that may work on any surface.

 Virtual touch screen

This technology was in the process of developing for many years and till now it still considered as an experiment. But the first results of long work we may see today. Now everyone may get a special software that simply does the things that were impossible earlier.

The technology already passed the stage of beta testing and became available for a wide circle of consumers. Right now Microsoft company starts taking pre-orders for this bizarre software.

Thanks to this innovation user may finally refuse big screens and big monitors. You may control virtual display from any point of the building. Besides, the information on the screen becomes seen from the very first touch.

There are huge possibilities opened with this technology. First of all, prices for monitors and other accessories are falling down. Second, possibilities of interactive using of such displays are going wide where it was not possible before, like on the wall in public places, etc.

Surely, the program itself will not work without the projector, special accessories (developed by Ubi Interactive and Microsoft) and of course Kinect sensor. This kind of kit will be necessary for the user and will let any surface turn to a touch screen.

Even today there are different versions of this application. These versions differ in size of projecting display and in the number of possible touch points that are seen by the system.

First version of this application costs 149$ and lets to project the display of 45 inches and one touch point. Professional and Business versions that cost 379$ each, have displays with 100 inches.

Professional and Business versions are different in the number of touch points only. Professional version itself works with two touch points and Business version may work and identify 20 touch points.

And one more important thing in this innovation is that virtual display will only work with devices on Windows 8 operating system.

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