The most expensive phones


We all got used to cell phones, smartphones and other devices, that became indispensable in our everyday life. We do not expect any super-abilities from them, we are enjoying simple design, common functions and applications. But there are people who expect exclusivity from their devices. That is how incredible phones at incredible prices appeared. We are offering you to review the most expensive models in the world, and at the same time we ask you to forget about their functionality.


At number 10 we have The Chairman Diamond Edition by Swiss company Ulysse Nardin. Phone case made of white gold and is decorated by over 2000 diamonds. The catch is in how the phone is stylized as watches, keeping its true Swiss style. Designers decided to place automatic clockwork mechanism on the right edge of the device, as on the usual Swiss watches. Technical specifications are as well pretty good: 32Gb, 3.2 touch-screen and it is working on the last version of Android. There are only 100 models of this phone existing in the world, and the price for each is about 130 thousand dollars.

   The Chairman Diamond Edition


 The Chairman Diamond Edition

 The Chairman Diamond Edition

 The Chairman Diamond Edition


At number 9 we have Black Diamond by Sony Ericsson, designed by Singaporean designer Jaren Goh. The phone is made out of polycarbonate titanium, and the catch is that it has mirrored casing and superior price. Technical specifications are not that impressive - 400 MHz CPU and 4-megapixels camera with the price of 250 thousand dollars.

 Black Diamond by Sony Ericsson


Number 8 in our list is Signature Cobra by Vertu company, that for a long time has been the official cell-phones manufacturer for Russian oligarchs. The design of Signature Cobra was created by French jewelry house called Boucheron. There were only 8 exclusive models made, and each of them costs only some 260 thousand dollars.

 Signature Cobra


Le Million by French company Goldvish takes number 7 in our chart. Its characteristics, telling the truth, not really differ from your 'old granny's cell-phone', it does not even have any access to 3G net, but the device's appearance is surely worth of attention. Just forget about its technical specifications and think about diamonds, there are 1800 of them and all weight 120 carats; phone's case made out of 18 carat white gold. Looking just at the phone name, we may definitely say that this device costs around 1 million dollars.

 Le Million


The sixth phone in our chart is "the most expensive cell phone in the world" - Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot. This phone was priced with six zeros number. It is for sure should be quite interesting for you, why it costs so 'less'? The thing is in unique black diamonds that weight 45.5 carats. Phone's case is made out of pure gold, weights 180g, is 12mm thick, and back side made out of 200 years old African black wood.

 Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot


The 5th place takes Peter Aloisson project. This device called Diamond Crypto Smartphone and is collaboration result of Ankort which is Russian company and the famous Austrian jeweler. The highlight of this phone is its navigation button, made out of pink gold, decorated by 28 round cut diamonds, and in the middle of them is placed 18 carat diamond. Phone's case is made out of platinum, and this awesome thing costs 1.3 million dollars.

  Diamond Crypto Smartphone


The only one exclusive copy of iPhone 3G Kings Button takes 4th place in our chart. Phone's case is made out of 18 carat yellow, white and pink gold, and decorated by 138 diamonds. From its name it is seen, that Home button became the main detail in this phone's design. As a navigational Home button there is extraordinary rare 6.6 carat diamond. The price on Kings Button is 2.3 million dollars.

 iPhone 3G Kings Button


The opener for three leaders in our chart is iPhone from Goldstriker International company. This phone was made specially for anonymous magnate from Australia. The case of Goldstriker iPhone 3GS Supreme is made out of 271 gram and 22 karat gold. The phone's decoration is 136 perfect colored diamonds, and navigational Home button is 7.1 carats diamond. The price of the device surely defined the place in the chart - 3 million dollars.

 Goldstriker iPhone 3GS Supreme


And here iPhone again. The second place in the chart takes Stuart Hughes iPhone 4 Diamond Rose. The design of this phone was created by Stuart Hughes design studio in Great Britain. On its sides this 32Gb smartphone has 500 hundred diamonds with total 100 carats, the Apple logo on the back side is made out of pink gold and decorated by 53 diamonds, and the Home button replaced by 7.4 carat pink diamond.

 Stuart Hughes iPhone 4 Diamond Rose


The ultimate winner in the list of the most expensive mobile phones became iPhone. You probably think, 'What? iPhone again?'. At this moment the most expensive phone is Stuart's Hughes iPhone 4S Elite Gold. Its price is that what gets it to the first place in the chart - around 9.2 million dollars. The phone is decorated with 500 white diamonds in total weight of 100 carats, 53 precious jewels make the Apple logo, and its case made out of 24 carat gold. The Home navigation button is made out of 7.4 carat pink diamond and layed around with little diamonds by 2.6 carats total in weight. When it comes to such incredible jewelry, nobody even cares about what camera or what features the device has, what the most important here - its exclusivity and the price.

 iPhone 4S Elite Gold

The All-Spares online store wishes that your smartphones were always that unique and we will always supply you with the needed spares for them.

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