Phonebloks - smartphone constructor


Every day the smartphones world is surprising us with something new and special. Today we are going to face a new concept of so to say “Forever” Phone, which is already known as Phonebloks.

So, what does the Phonebloks mean?

The main aim of Phonebloks invention was to turn your phone into a completely different device.
The novelty lets us to modernize cell phone components according to our own discretion and needs. How is it going to look like? Actually the process is quite simple and reminds the parts replacement on an ordinary PC. For instance, if you need jaw-dropping graphics, you can get a new processor. Such options allow us to modify the cell phone to our own needs. The owner would have a base (kind of a circuit board), on which the little blocks that carry phone parts will be installed. The all blocks are detachable and connected to the base to make a phone. The blocks can be modified taking into account the special needs, such as usage of solar powered batteries, lightweight phones for travelers or models with sensitive screen for blind people. Sounds really interesting.


The device is also eco-friendly, you can upgrade phone parts as you wishand you would never have to throw away the phone. If one of the parts is broken or outdated, you can just replace the needed block, instead of buying a new phone. For example, you may always change your camera if you want to get rid of the simple camera block and have a nice, bigger-sensor camera. Another great thing is that you can carry an extra battery, just in case if your phone has discharged unexpectedly. Such opportunities help to save money and time.

In the nearest future this platform could be developed as an open-source project. This means that any company would be able to develop Phonebloks components and the client will have a choice whether he/she wants the camera made by Nokia or Canon.

But the Phonebloks future is still vague. Today the project is trying to get as much support as possible. Everybody who is eager to get such cell phone can share his/her opinion on Facebook and let the world know that the device is worth of paying special attention.

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