Looking for a Spare Part? Let's Search Together!


Everyday mobile phones from Chinese developers make their way on mobile phone's market, getting more popular and demanded. Those mobile phones are very serious competitors to the other well-known brands.

Today the competition between Chinese and European developers is as relevant as ever. In fact, Chinese factories are making mobile phones for all famous brands that you can find on the market. Furthermore, China started to produce their own mobile phones. The devices are very popular locally and trying to enter the European market. The small Chinese companies are currently buying the branches of well-known big mobile phone brands, thus they get the legal right to use the trademark and brand.

There is a big choice of Chinese mobile phones with double-SIM card functionality on the market. It is quite a task to find spare parts for these phones and replace them. With the amount of mobile phones currently available on the market, there is no technical support for double-SIM devices whatsoever. Chinese distributors made these devices available to us fairly cheap by totally excluding any technical support.

We are taking into account your wishes, following the market trends and we have direct supplies from factories in China. Today the main aim of All Spares is to provide the mobile phone market with the maximum amount of required spare parts for mobile phones.

The smartphones sales increase in the world is directly connected with the growth of ecommerce and availability of inexpensive devices on the market. Let's have a look at few devices from some unknown developers yet, however their productivity and quality stands on the highest level. For example, let's look at companies like Dex, Ergo, Gigabyte GSmart, Goclever, Huawei, IconBIT, Prestigio, Sigma mobile, Texet, ThL, Zopo, ZTE and many others. The Chinese corporations not only sell their developments to the rest of the world but also started to supply the market with the end-product. Thus, we have a situation when some devices are assembled in Europe using the Chinese spare parts. Basically saying, the European factories bought technologies from Chinese developers and started to produce the product. In the same time we can see the same items made in China and stamped with the required trademark.

Let's have a look at these two absolutely identical mobile phones from different companies, Prestigio Multiphone PAP5300 DUO and Pioneer E90W.

 Prestigio Multiphone PAP5300 DUO and Pioneer E90W

Prestigio — European brand with headquarter in Limassol (Cyprus).
Pioneer Corporation – well-known Japanese company, which is specialized in audio and video systems.

There are a lot of "Twins" like these two on the market. You may find them easily, and in most cases their spare parts are compatible. It is practically impossible to find any technical documentation about these phones. So it's really critical to identify the correct spare part.

Given the interests of our clients, we have created a new section Spare Parts for Order. Here you can find the most popular Chinese mobile phone models.

To make an order please go to Spare Parts for Order. Under the required spare part and mobile phone model leave your comment in Disqus. We will need the following information from you:

  • Size
  • Label
  • Pictures

Please provide us with all required information stated above!

For example, if you need to replace a touchscreen, information provided by you should look like this:
Label on the touchscreen: JKD043-1301-W08D
Label on the flat cable: WD430-67AF-HX
Display size: 104*61 mm, 25-pin connector

Main Picture

Main picture.

Main Picture

If you need to replace a touchscreen please provide us with the flat cable picture.

Label on flat cable
Label on flat cable

Label on the flat cable: F6043009-FPC-V1.0
Size: 125*64 mm
Main Picture:

Label on flat cable

If you are having difficulties while identifying the correct spare part number, please send us all text on the label. Also, you may take and upload pictures of required spare part, in that case our professionals will identify the correct spare part. Please send us high quality pictures, so we would be able to see all printed letters and numbers on them.

Our new Spare Parts for Order service will help you to find, order and buy required spare part in our shop. Our team will ensure to leave you satisfied with the price.

By All Spares Team
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