How to Check the LCD Vendor in Xiaomi Smartphones?


Being a relatively young brand of smartphones, Xiaomi is already one of undisputed leaders at the global smartphone market.

In fact, the company was a software developer at the start, not an equipment manufacturer. At first, Xiaomi created the MIUI shell and made it popular through Google Play. Over time, MIUI won multiple fans around the world, and Xiaomi moved on to developing smartphones, tablets and other accessories.

The company has decided against investing money into starting its own factories; there are loads of manufacturing factories in China after all. Essentially, Xiaomi devices are a set of components from different factories and from different manufacturers.

Displays are no exception. In fact, Xiaomi LCDs are manufactured by EBBG, Tianma and BOE. It would seem that all displays should be identical, but in actual practice that’s not true at all. LCDs for the same model manufactured at different factories will differ in brightness, color quality, color saturation, and other characteristics. For example, Tianma matrices give a purple hue, and navigation buttons on these displays are gray only. Displays manufactured at EBBG give a yellow tint. We have no information about the specific features of BOE products.

There are cases when a customer orders a display, and when seeing the difference after setting it, complains that it’s a copy, not the original. However, the whole point is in different factories, not in the originality of the spare part. And here neither the client nor the seller is to blame.

When it comes time to repairs, it’s quite difficult for customers to determine themselves which factory manufactured the display for a specific phone.

Therefore, we will tell you how to obtain the necessary data easily. All information about the device is in the service menu.

Here are two fairly simple ways to reach the menu:

  1. Open the phone settings, go to the About Phone section and click on the Kernel Version 5 times in a row. You will see the service menu. Go to the Version Information section. The LCD line specifies the manufacturer (vendor). In our case, this is the Tianma factory.
  2. Dial one of the following combinations. They will also take you to the service menu containing information about the smartphone
  • *#*#6484#*#*
  • *#*#4636#*#*
  • *#*#3646633#*#*
How to Check the LCD Vendor in Xiaomi Smartphones?

Once you know the manufacturer, be sure to include this information when requesting a spare part. This is the only way to make sure that your new display will be the same as the original installed at the factory.

As we see, it’s not so scary as it might seem at the first glance. If you have additional questions, please contact our contact center. We will happily help you to choose a spare part fast.

By All Spares Team
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